“Learn to code” they said

Turns out the AI are learning to code. Two immediate takeaways from that:

1) There goes another career path.

2) Dear Sweet Baby Jeebus, have none of these people ever watched *any* science fiction? Giving an AI that has a demonstrated lack of morality the ability to re-write itself is the very height of “I *told* you not to do that!” insanity.


4 responses to ““Learn to code” they said”

  1. warhorse Avatar

    skynet in 3…2…1…..

  2. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    I have a feeling that-now that CEOs heads are on the chopping blocks-there will be less resistance to higher wages for actual work-now that they have to push brooms.

    1. Petrock Avatar

      Nope, literally everyone will need those last remaining human jobs, so the wage pressure will be downward.

  3. gregmita Avatar

    Meh. ChatGPT is terrible at doing anything useful. Remember that these things are just playing at word association. At best they can generate boiler plate code, which good dev environments have been automating for years.