Well that’s a shame

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Lori Lightfoot becomes the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election

It is of course too much to hope that Chicago might finally throw off the shackle of the Democrat Party Machine. There will be a runoff between two candidates… a Democrat and a far-left Democrat. So Chicagos future is not exactly secured, there’s just the chance that things might not suck quote so much. But things will still suck pretty bad in Chicago.

2 responses to “Well that’s a shame”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    I have family members like this (in Seattle) they complain endlessly but become actually angry if I suggest changing their voting habits. So, they tend to vote for the actual radical because they want change but are then upset when they do radical things.

    Republicans are “actual fascists” according to my sister-in-law. Who, despite her masters degree, wouldn’t know a fascist if one goosestepped through her living room. Unfortunately, the far-left idea that you can’t “allow” someone with whom you disagree to espouse much less implement their ideas because “tolerance is enabling.” So no matter how bad it gets they keep doing it. Now they want to move to Idaho because its “better” there and get all huffy if I point out the difference in management.

    We had lunch in McCall, ID with them over the summer, and they were surprised many vehicles had stickers on them to the effect of “Idaho is full, go away” because you “would think they want people who will lift the area up.”

    sigh… okay I’m just ranting….. have a good one.

  2. Bob Avatar

    I dunno. She was so zany and weird she was at least amusing. Most politicians are so dour. They steal your money and you don’t get anything in return. She was good for a laugh sometimes.