Well, this is going to make for some interesting spin…

So earlier today there was a mass shooting at a Christian grade school in Nashville, with six people murdered and the shooter killed by the police. That’s bad (well, except that last bit). Then it came out that the shooter was a 8woman,* which is unusual to say the least. Now it has turned out that she’s transgender. She was a biological female who “identified” as male, but all the reporting so far has referred to her as “her,” which is a novel development. One wonders if she was on testosterone, which can make some act kinda rash if they’re new to it. Of course, garden variety “bugnuts” is also a perfectly cromulent explanation for this sort of thing.

One wonders what Jane Fonda might have to say on this. The same “logic” that would hold Trump responsible for January 6 would seem to apply here.

And of course…


Society is going… silly.

One response to “Well, this is going to make for some interesting spin…”

  1. warhorse Avatar

    so, how long before we find out the shooter had contact with the FBI and was “on the radar” but they claim to have done nothing?

    and how long before we find out that the shooter had no job, no income, but somehow paid cash for many thousands of dollars of firearms and ammunition?

    the FBI activated another drone. probably groomed “her” for years before setting them loose.