Limited nuclear war, if it comes to the UK

If Putin absolutely loses his mind and decides to nuke UK, how might he go about it? The below analysis assumes a total of two ICBMs are used against the UK. Not to utterly destroy the country, but to turn it into a humanitarian nightmare and distract from Ukraine. Assuming Russia succeeded in setting off these warheads on the chosen targets… yes, Britain would very quickly be in very, very serious trouble. But I have the sneaking suspicion that even without NATO backing the Brits just might remember that not all that long ago their nation used to have a backbone, and as a result British nukes will quickly start appearing in the skies of Russia.

If one assumes this scenario and it actually ends with just the targets in Britain the video suggests (let’s say that five seconds after it’s announced that Russian forces have nuked Britain, the Russian people/military rise up and string Putin and his lackeys from lamp posts and start begging to not get nuked in response), the future of Britain would become very interesting indeed. Probably Britains biggest current nightmare is the vast number of foreign colonists. But if Britain ceases to be the land of free bennies, it’s safe to assume that many, if not most, if not *all*, of these “migrants” will pick up and migrate somewhere else. There has been a whole lot of lack of British pride/patriotism on display in many of these immigrant communities; there doesn’t seem to be anything holding these people in place. And if things get really bad in Britain, one wonders how tolerant the natives will be for antagonistic extra mouths to feed.

But I suspect that if Britain catches two ICBMs, they’ll soon catch more as a response to the British response. Might not be a whole lot of Britain left in the end.

Far and away the best thing to happen if Putin actually gives the order is if he very quickly has an unfortunate health episode, before said order can be carried out.