A light on the horizon

A new Supreme Court case seeks to legalize assault weapons in all 50 states

The Supreme Court could hand down a decision any day now in National Association for Gun Rights v. City of Naperville, a case that could legalize assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in all 50 states.

“Assault weapons:” Normal semi-automatic rifles

“High-capacity magazines:” the standard capacity magazines that come with the gun

Most of the article, apart form the above bit of Scare Text, is pretty straightforward. However, there’s this bizarre bit:

And there is good reason to fear that this Court could, at the very least, decide to make semiautomatic assault rifles legal throughout the United States.

“Fear:” a funny way to spell “hope.”

Anyway, “National Association for Gun Rights v. City of Naperville” is on the Supreme Court “Shadow Docket,” which means they could issue a ruling without the usual trouble of oral hearings. This would speed things up a *lot.*

The concept of a Shadow Docket is a bit strange, and one I’m not entirely sure I’m entirely behind. However, I would accept any Shadow Docket ruling *IF* that ruling came down in favor of rolling back government power, impositions on the citizens or curtailments of rights. If s Shadow Docket ruling was in favor of the government, then it should automatically be set aside in favor of a full court proceedings.

One response to “A light on the horizon”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    The scary thing is just reading Vox and seeing what these guys think. Especial the angst about “platforming” Trump. They literally think people they disagree with should not be heard.