Artemis launch: live streaming

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Just in case it actually does launch, here’s the NASA YouTube livestream:


4 responses to “Artemis launch: live streaming”

  1. Bill Hollifield Avatar
    Bill Hollifield

    I am writing this a few hours before this planned launch.
    I think there is a 95%+ chance of success.
    I think there is a 50% chance that a second rocket will be completed and launched. It is only as high as 5o% because of political considerations.
    There will bever be a third one built.
    Expendable large rockets are a thing of the past.

  2. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    So when was this years Starship launch again?

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      Yeah, Starship might be a year or two late. How late was SLS?

      1. Herp McDerp Avatar
        Herp McDerp

        Some of the delay in the Starship/Superheavy test seems to have been associated with getting permits from various federal agencies for the launch. There’s been speculation that the approvals have been slow-walked through the bureaucracy to enable Artemis I to launch first.