Blue Beetle Bomb

It sure seems like the era of “superhero movies” being a license to print money is over. Granted the DCEU flicks have not had  a great track record, but the latest outing, “Blue Beetle,” seems to be shaping up to be a *disaster.*

The production budget was $104 million. The marketing was probably the same, so the cost of the movie was $208 million. As of today, it has taken in $59M domestic, $46M foreign. But the studio only gets half the US box office ($29.5M) and about a third of the foreign ($15.3M), for a total of $44.8M. The movie was released 19 days ago, so it still has time to rake in some more moolah, but unless some amazing miracle occurs I have trouble seeing it reaching $60 in actual returns to the studio. If it does it will have lost Warner bros “only” $148 *million* dollars.

Couple “superhero fatigue” with “Blue Beetle? Who’s that?” and you could have predicted that this wouldn’t do so great. Add in the disastrous marketing (a DC superhero movie that features a prominent character calling Batman a fascist is not a great idea) and this flick was doomed from the get-go.

3 responses to “Blue Beetle Bomb”

  1. warhorse Avatar

    usually at the end of a genre we get the parody movies. the end of the western gave us “support your local sheriff” and “blazing saddles”.

    the end of the superhero movies should give us good renditions of “the tick” and “condorman”

    for those that do not remember condorman..

    and it’s already owned by disney, so they can remake it all day…

    1. Dr. Coyote Avatar
      Dr. Coyote

      We already had some in the form of Deadpool – which were pretty good movies, but parodies still. Pretty much right around the time the genre went off the rails.

  2. Petrock Avatar

    Why is Batman a fascist?