California sounds like a wonderland

It’s not just State Farm. Allstate no longer sells new home insurance policies in California

When corporations flee like that, you know that the local policies have got to be *spectacular.*


Of course, there’s always Chicago…

At New Chicago Walgreens, You Can Only Browse 2 Aisles — The Rest Of The Store Is Locked Away

Shoplifters can’t steal what they can’t access. I suspect that before too long, in many places the only stores that will remain will be those that work like automats. But in order to survive they will have to be *armored* automats, where the property can’t be badly damaged with bats and hammers and crowbars and Molotov cocktails. Good luck getting that to work.

One response to “California sounds like a wonderland”

  1. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    One good robot I’d like to see for security is this thing with a shovel-head to force flash mobs back. One down each row—then one to the side to shove them out:

    If the aisles are narrow, you can’t get a good swing…now for murderholes and boiling pitch…I mean roofing tar accidents, officer.

    “I’m not locked in here with you—you’re locked in here with me.”