The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
Everyone is nostalgic for the days of their youth and think that “those years were the best.” But I really believe a good […]
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This video has been floating around twitter the last day or so, showing some streamers kicking around an android: This […]
So I backed off blogging so much because yapping on Twitter was so much easier. But then…
Oh, Fᚪᛣᚳ… Maybe it’s the Old Guy in me, but this set off every alarm bell I have. Maybe this sort of […]
It’s been a while since anyone has come close to killing a US President or former President. Has there been anyone since Hinkley/Reagan […]
Videos have come out showing President Biden doing bad things (specifically, acting like what he is: an elderly man who is well into […]
Turns out giant thin draggy structures don’t hold up that well against multi-vortex tornadoes.
A few days ago someone on twitter repeated some nonsense that getting irritated about canon violations in, say, Star Trek was a sign […]
Well, hell. Vernor Vinge has died. Some years back he read some of my sci-fi stories (specifically my first novel) and suggested that […]
Slightly over 4 years ago I yammered a bit about a game company called “Evil Hat” that was putting out a Lovecraftian game […]
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