The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
Thanks to ebay and my fabulously lean bank account, I have recently procured a number of items of potential interest: “NASA Earth Orbital […]
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So a lone 23-year old decided to make a Scooby-Doo fan film. To do this, he used computer generated stop-motion to replicate the […]
“Our heroes aircraft is falling from the sky! Will they pull out in time to avoid a firey crash and bring the episode, […]
14:25 into this video is an *astounding* scratchuilt Saturn V. Cutaways of not just all three stages, but also of the Command and […]
A 1979 promo for TMP. Some interesting stuff here… work on the Enterprise model, Klingon battle cruiser models getting exploded (a scene later […]
A Sam Jackson-starring movie about money laundering via crappy paintings. Hmmm… This is, of course, not a new idea. It’s actually a […]
So, Disney has spent large, *vast* sums on movies that have tanked. They’ve lost more money in the last year than many corporations […]
“The 13th Warrior” was, shockingly to me, one of history’s great box office bombs… budget was about $100 million in 1999, but it […]
The forthcoming “The Creator,” due to hit theaters in September, *looks* awesome. Long have I and many others bitched that Hollywood seems incapable […]
… but just wait until these damned things get a little smarter, wake up and become self aware. Them and those friggen’ Furbies […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers