The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
A common trope in science fiction is the discovery of “an element that does not appear on the periodic table.” This is of […]
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Due to a law rushed through last year, if Illinoisans don’t register their perfectly legal and common firearm (referred to inaccurately as “assault […]
Several models of the Starship Enterprise were built for the original “Star Trek” series. The most famous is the 11-foot model which was […]
A barnacle that attaches itself to female crabs and convinces said crab that it is her eggs so that the crab will take […]
I guess this is kinda cool, a dress – at least the front side of one – composed of “scales” that can change […]
There are several ways to accomplish the goal of extracting maximum performance from a solid rocket motor via the nozzle. The most common […]
All evidence points to the forthcoming “Snow White” live action movie from Disney being something of a train wreck. It is a remake […]
NOTE: The post below was originally from 2008. But for some reason, it seems like it might be worth a second look. The […]
Humanity, that is. In terms of our ability to scare the crap out of African wildlife. Fear of the human “super predator” pervades […]
The idea of a repeating firearm (a gun that does not need to be manually loaded after each shot) goes back to at […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers