The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
A new Supreme Court case seeks to legalize assault weapons in all 50 states The Supreme Court could hand down a decision any […]
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And dubious reliability… and dubious manufacturing quality. Kentucky Ballistics tests a knife-gun from the 1980s.
Three main options: 1) Ukrainian quadcopter flew hundreds of miles. 2) Russians PO’ed about their crappy government and their stupid war 3) The […]
Given that this ridiculous bill is *clearly* unConstitutional, it was largely inevitable, but it’s nice to see it happen. Of course Illinois will […]
110 years in prison for selling flat pieces of metal.
I *really* want to give this a shot. Anyone got a WW1 vintage Luger you’re not doing anything with you want to give […]
A 4-bore rifle. Hmm. The bullet weigh the same as 40 .556 rounds and produced 200 pounds of felt recoil.
As a non-user of mind-altering substances… good: Federal Judge Tosses Gun Possession Case Against Drug Users “In short, the historical tradition of disarming […]
The Grim Truth: The War on Guns Is Lost The author of this New Republic piece seems close to tears that: Millions of […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers