The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
The idea that there are bioweapon labs in Ukraine is pretty effectively debunked by Ryan McBeth: The fact that there are *biological* labs […]
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US Shuts Airspace Over Lake Michigan, Cites “National Defense” Seems the balloons are coming pretty fast. The NOTAM over Lake Huron […]
Fetterman hears voices like the teachers in ‘Peanuts’ after stroke, struggles to adjust to Senate life: report I’m shocked. Also, he went […]
I don’t know what the Russian military was expecting, but being on the receiving end of the first industrial-scale use of robots to […]
Makes one think that the state government might not be filled with right-thinking honest folks who have the upholding of the Constitution as […]
The Dem-dominated government of the state of Illinois passed an “assault weapon ban” that bans not only commonly owned firearms but also standard […]
Interesting if true. A 5.9 magnitude earthquake as a direct result of an explosion would indicate a yield on the order of one […]
Up first: U.S. Poised to Provide Abrams Tanks to Ukraine Of note here is that this will, theoretically, spur the Germans to send their […]
So California, Gun Free State, has it’s second mass shooting in a handfull of days. And… it’s another old Asian guy. 7 Dead, […]
A 1950’s film describing the “Lobber” rocket from Convair. This was a small battlefield cargo delivery system… rations, medical supplies, ammo, that sort […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers