The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
A university in Tokyo has made a four-legged spider robot. That’s nothing too special, except that it can fly. Unfortunately, in order to […]
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Debunkings can be fun, once you get past the headache and heartache of having to debunk nonsense in the first place. Penn & […]
Man made horrors beyond your conception brought to you by AI:
The idea that there are bioweapon labs in Ukraine is pretty effectively debunked by Ryan McBeth: The fact that there are *biological* labs […]
You can listen to the audio of the Lake Huron shootdown in the video below, via The Drive: It’s small (the […]
I really hope that this is some sort of skit, but I fear it ain’t. And I had to pay for that Volvo, […]
One might think that “entertainment industry weirdo performs satanic dance number, sponsored by Pfizer” would be the sort of thing I’d yammer on […]
I haven’t seen it, so don’t blame me. But this reviewer *really* didn’t like it: Don’t watch ‘Star Trek: Picard’ season three, it’ll […]
Turns out the Chinese are zapping surface targets with lasers. This *seems* to be a benign scientific technique, checking atmospheric levels of carbon […]
Sometimes you just can’t win. And don’t forget *this* classic:
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers