The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
I don’t know what the Russian military was expecting, but being on the receiving end of the first industrial-scale use of robots to […]
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A 1/6 scale DeLorean Time Machine from BTTF2. Yours for $825.
The video below is a bit yammery, but some important and interesting points are raised, discussed and… dunno. Apparently there’s drama going on […]
Now that China has lost an important intelligence asset, they need to rely more on other ways to collect data. One is a […]
Scientist Accidentally Discovers The Oldest Brain of Any Vertebrate The fossilized brain of a 319-million year old fish has been found and studied […]
They found the radioactive capsule in Australia.
WOW. This woman is the very epitome of entitled. I *hope* she’s stoned or drunk or whacked out on *something,* cuz if this […]
“Creature Features,” a YouTube channel that shows less-than-spectacular movies interspersed with segments with a trio of characters (a format made popular on TV […]
January 28, 1986. One of the few school days that I remember clearly. Manly tears are appropriate.
Granted, there are people who actually *work* at shopping malls. But these “tours” of the Google offices in LA really don;t seem like […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers