The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
WTF. A guy who made his billions by selling stuff is… selling stuff. Just… ridiculous stuff. This doesn’t really seem to […]
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And so Adam Savage goes to the Royal Society In England and gets to look at not only a first edition of Newton’s […]
An impressive fire with an impressive explosion at a shopping mall in Moscow. I’m sure Ukrainians are just jam-packed with sympathy. It seems […]
A visualization of how high a human could jump on other worlds, due to the differences in local gravity. Not included is the […]
If you want to get your soul crushed, try to display a classical talent before an audience composed of modern high school kids. […]
… of just what constitutes this garbage. What fraction is paper? How much plastic? And how much is just sticks and weeds, stuff […]
This “experiment” seems like all kinds of fun. It also seems like the sort of thing that would attract the attention of the […]
Looks like the Ukrainians are taking the war home to Russian military forces, this time hitting Engels Air Force Base and potentially destroying […]
And it hasn’t been in more than 20 years. But stuff like this – though it has been going on all along – […]
How boomers ruined society: he’s not wrong.
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers