The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
Just try to imagine this happening in the US Senate or House of Representatives. We have much to learn from the enlightened citizens […]
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A less than one minute video describing the dropoff in quality in art in the Roman Empire. Some of it was due to […]
The Turbo Encabulator has *finally* been updated:
The original “Scooby Doo” show was important and useful because while every episode had some supernatural badguy – ghosts and monsters and such […]
The animation is amusing, but taken with some of the animators previous work you don;t really get the idea that he thins all […]
Uuuuuuuugh. The levels of cringe here are *astonishing.* This is the sort of nonsensical prattle you’d expect to find alongside discussion […]
NASA spent *decades* launching the Shuttle, so it’s a little surprising that the launch of the SLS caused this much damage. […]
A fire truck got int he way of a jetliner in Lima, Peru: nobody won. Yow.
The policies that the British government have enacted over recent years of allowing the mass invasion of Britain are, it seems, finally getting […]
Included here are not only the closeups, but also a view from the public area showing just how brightly the exhaust lit the […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers