The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
Bad day for someone… but not as bad as it could have been. And probably not as bad as he had set out […]
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Three versions of the same “epilogue:” Version 1: Ignores events of “2010” Version 2: Incorporates events of “2010:” Version 3: Slightly modified by […]
After months and years of posts about massive failures of various kinds… here’s a video about an attempt at a long-distance car jump. […]
Dramatic Scene as Jakarta Mosque’s Dome Collapses in Fire Looks like it was a sizable structure. Apparently being repaired when it caught fire. […]
Ronald Reagan chats with a Nazi in “Desperate Journey:” The dialog from IMDB: [Major Otto Baumeister has told the captured crew […]
Ukrainian police use AK-47s (or maybe AK-74s, I can’t tell) to try to take out Russian anti-civilian buzz bombs. The *claim* is that […]
A rotary cell phone where a lot of the functionality is mechanical. It’s a real device that is available for pre-order as a […]
Why aren’t more sports cars like this? Granted, there is zero chance that I will ever end up the owner of even a […]
Answered. I *defy* you to watch this and feel nothing. Better quality version of the video is in here:
A magic trick performed on Russian TV some years ago went kinda wrong. I can’t help but compare this to a more recent […]
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers