The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
Another instance of “this is not the dog to be afraid of.” There are good reasons to fear Huskies: specifically, they can pierce […]
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The pendulum *may* be beginning to swing the other way on some issues. For a number of years the bulk of the populace […]
Several simulations showing fabulously unrealistic impactors whacking the planet. Might be of interest for sci-fi writers.
Disney has done some amazing things with Star Wars since buying the property. In short, Disney turned Star Wars from a license to […]
Affirmative action pilots: what’s not to like?
So the Russians are claiming that the Ukrainians are gonna blow up the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and then blame it on Russia. […]
Spiffy CG animation showing what will *hopefully* appear in the sky soon… Starship hot-staging off of Superheavy.
That movie was utterly forgettable. Why bring it up? Because I was reminded of the trailer for the movie, went and watched it […]
Elephant guns at 82,000 frames per second create some interesting phenomena. Especially interesting are the very brief flashes upon contact with the ballistics […]
Dagon retold as a Dr. Seuss story. Huh. It works.
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers