Child mortality: politics vs facts

Gropey Joe trotted out this old lie again:

Fortunately, the internet is full of fact checkers…


That lists firearms as the cause of 7.26% of child mortality in the US. But here “child” is “birth to 17.” A *lot* of those “children shot dead are in the upper age range… and were shot while committing crimes (“gang related,” no doubt). Shot by people defending themselves, shot by cops, shot by other criminals. These “victims” merit no sympathy, of course. Unfortunately, hard numbers are hard to come by, but there’s this:




One response to “Child mortality: politics vs facts”

  1. gregmita Avatar

    And, the teen gang killings are overwhelmingly done with handguns, not rifles, which are one of the least likely murder weapons in the United States. Yet they want to ban “assault weapons”, which are just a subset of rifles. The question here is if the gun controllers are just ignorant, or if they have ulterior motives.

    Incidentally, that new “reader context” feature on Twitter is great, much better than official “fact checking”.