Cities going blue

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Not politically, literally:


The Great Purpling


I’ve noticed a number of streetlights around here pumping out a distinctly blue/purple light for a while now. It’s disconcerting… it’s not an unpleasant color, but it’s *different,* and everything looks funny under it. I thought it was a choice, but it turns out it’s a manufacturing flaw.


2 responses to “Cities going blue”

  1. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    Prince would no doubt be pleased. These are great for refit nacelle grills, and even better for SWAT teams using FLIR…deep purple kills the night vision of gang bangers. Probably a psych’ effect too.

    The old mercury-vapor and sodium lamps made the night beautifully hideous on the early camcorder seasons of COPS-
    LEDs and digital cameras make the night too clean.

  2. Petrock Avatar

    What is fun is when the area is using the old lights until they fail. This give you a fun Orange/Blue mix. Quite festive if you dress as a Smurf for Halloween.