Douglas D-3203-29

A general arrangement diagram of the Douglas Model D-3203-29. This was a modified DC-9-50, appears to be the basic design for the MD-80, dated 7-26-1977.

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One response to “Douglas D-3203-29”

  1. warhorse Avatar

    (off topic) scott…I found this video on youtube..

    I guess the guy in question was a lockheed martin engineer, and this hangar is full of various engineering models.

    there are some tailsitters (12:08 timestamp), looks like an extreme STOL twin engine model (11:12 timestamp), maybe some other things. I see a few variations on the F-16, one looks like it has a dorsal spine (but that might be for wind tunnel use?)

    anyway, I figured it would be something that might interest you..