Junk Removal

So yesterday the former head of Roscosmos decided that the thing to do was hold a birthday party for himself in a city under occupation.

Russia’s notorious former space chief Rogozin wounded in shelling

Dmitry Rogozin – who has called for the extermination of Ukraine –  was in Russian-occupied Donetsk, but someone ratted him out to the Ukrainians who launched some artillery at him. They didn’t kill him, but they did get him with some shrapnel. If wholly unverified rumors are to be believed… wounded rather more than previously suggested:



It should be pointed out that Rogozin got into “Twitter spat” with Musk back in May, threatening him for supplying Ukrainians with Starlink terminals. Determine for yourself it if would be “ironic” or “poetic justice” or “downright hilarious” if Starlink was used to transmit intelligence on Rogozin’s location or to aim ordnance.