“Mans Best Friend”

A couple pit bulls got out of their yard in San Antonia and attacked people, killing an old man. Unlike a lot of dog attacks, this one was caught on video as a woman drove by. The attack is… something. It’s not safe for work. If you watch it, even though parts of it are blurred, you’ll need some mind bleach; these dogs tear the man apart. I think you can see when they rip his face off. So… maybe ya wanna watch it, maybe ya don’t. The Link HERE includes the attack video as well as a later video as three firefighters – presumably the first responders – try to deal with one of the pit bulls with *axes.* Three grown men wielding fire axes can’t deal with the damn thing.


Extra yeesh: last week I took my garbage can out to the curb late at night. While out there I heard yelling down the block. Like a friggen’ moron I stood there in my front yard trying to see what was going on; sounded like a bunch of kids chasing someone or something. Turns out they had lost control of a dog, now running loose. Like a FRIGGEN’ MORON I continued to stand there as the dog came out of the darkness and ran up to me. A pit bull dragging a leash. We stood abut 8 feet apart just staring at each other, me suddenly feeling like a FRIGGEN’ MORON for not packing heat. Fortunately the kids came running up a few seconds later and got hold of the leash and hauled the dog away. I don’t know what would have happened had things gone on a few seconds more, but it’s possible that that might have been the end of this spectacular blog.

I’ve seen a lot of people wanting to ban the pit bull breed. And then I see a lot of brainlets try to link banning a dangerous breed of dog to “See? You should also want to ban assault weapons, hurr durr!” It’s a bad analogy. The AR-15 is just a tool… as are the pit bulls teeth. Nobody suggests banning dog teeth, but banning the dangerous *entity* wielding those dangerous weapons. So if you want to link pit bulls, AR-15’s and bans… ban the crazy dangerous *people* who would behave like pit bulls.

4 responses to ““Mans Best Friend””

  1. Petrock Avatar

    I have a pittie, and they are generally the nicest dogs you will ever meet. That said, they are strong, fast and bite like an alligator and I would NOT want to be on one’s bad side. On the positive side, if you come in to our home uninvited…. I advise you to move slowly and you better have enough milkbones to keep him occupied until I get my pants on.

    My point here is that the owner who didn’t socialize them or at least control them is the one at fault, but just like with guns, all the people who are good doggie parents and the poor dogs are the ones who will get blamed.

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      Agreed the owner is at fault. But a dog, unlike a gun, can wander off on its own and cause a ruckus. A gun requires the active participation of a human.

      1. Petrock Avatar

        A gun can be stolen or otherwise taken by someone else.

        The basic idea is that you make every effort to not put your dog in a bad position.
        Think of it as a child, which really isn’t a terrible comparison. As with guns or many other things, the ones who will be punished because someone committed a crime or simply screwed, up are the people and dogs who didn’t do anything.

        You also risk a valid slippery slope point here. What is the cut-off point, and how do you measure it? Any large dog can have you for lunch if they really feel like it. Hell, I think my cat is plotting world domination. Are we to be limited to teacup poodles? Beagles? Labradoodles? And what about Louie the dog, hes a shelter dog that now lives a spoiled existence as a doorbell/air defreshener. To get him you will have to fight his whole family and a couple of the neighbors who are fond of him.

        Honestly, just get the A-hole owner, its their responsibility after all.

        1. scottlowther Avatar

          The owner is justly in trouble. But the breed itself seems to be genetically predisposed to violence.

          There are *humans* so predisposed. Witness the recent beatdown of a teacher who took a students video game. The “kid” had a history of violence. It seems to be a part of his wiring. There are a lot of kids who are wired for violence, and this is seen early in many, many cases. These kids should be separated from society. Any animal that poses the same sort of “wired crazy” risk should be similarly separated from society. A St. Bernard is physically capable of converting a human into several steaming piles of dog poop… but they are not wired up to do any such thing. A wolf, on the other hand, *is* so wired, and thus humans and wolves should stay apart. Perhaps we could put the violent kids with the pitbulls and the wolves. Would make for entertaining television, I suppose.