Racism-Industrial Complex

When you need a lot of racism, but society just isn’t producing it anymore… you manufacture it.

Former Florida State Professor Pushed Doctored Data to Create False Sense of Racism

Several studies conducted by Eric Stewart, a former professor at Florida State University, were found to have been doctored to create the impression that the public wanted harsher sentences for black and Hispanic Americans, when in reality, the opposite was true.

Huh. That’s an odd thing to do. Why would a professor commit academic fraud in order to invent racist attitudes?

Stewart, a highly regarded professor at Florida State University with expertise in the intersection of race and criminal justice … held a job as a professor at Florida State University from 2016 to 2022, with a recent 2022 record showing a salary of $189,604.94, which is significantly higher than the average pay for co-workers and the national average for government employees. In 2019, he earned $103,458 as a professor. 

Hmm. Nope, got nuthin’.  It’s a mystery.

One response to “Racism-Industrial Complex”

  1. gregmita Avatar

    This sort of political scholarship is nothing new. I still remember the Michael Bellesile colonial gun ownership studies from the 1990s. He tried to say that colonial American society didn’t have a gun culture and didn’t own guns, and his research was later found to be fraudulent.