Whenever there’s an “incident,” no matter how horrifying, that can be used for political purposes, it *will* be used for political purposes. But sometimes those attempting to do so go about it in such a brazen and dishonest, yet bumblingly incompetent, manner that you just have to sit up and take notice.
For instance, the mass shooting in Allen, Texas. One of the first witnesses to dash before the cameras was one Fredd Steven Spainhouer, who said he rushed to render aid to the wounded, performing CPR on three of them.
He used this soapbox the argue against civil rights by way of disarming citizens:
He seemed to be out in front of cameras rather a lot. Turns out there’s a reason for that: he’s a Texas State Democrat Party Executive Committee member. It was an opportunity to not just tell his story, but to spin a political narrative. But there’s a problem, one the Allen Police Department has gone public with: he’s lying.
His history is not exactly an exemplary one. He fits in with the Dems just right, I guess.
Police Say Democrat Activist Lied About Statements in Mass Shooting
He has also been indicted for tampering with government records, and terminated as a law enforcement officer.