Signs of the pendulum swinging back?

As all honest American recognize, for the past several generations cultural power has swung far left. Leftists shriek about how awful America is, yet they hold all the reins of power: they dominate the government, they control the educational system from kindergartens through universities, and they force the largest corporations to bend the knee to weirdos, criminals and crazy people. More than a few people are black pilled into believing that the End Is Near, that either we are in the decline of a civilization like the fall of the Roman Empire… or that these are signs that this or that God is PO’ed and has turned his back on Mankind. This sort of despair often leads people to do… nothing. They just give up and march into the camps.

But there have been a few things recently that give me hope that people are getting sick of this and *might* be ready to change things.

1: Massive boycotts of corporations that play along with “woke agenda” nonsense. Bud Light and Target and Disney all dove head-first into insulting the population… and have suffered historic losses as a result of people deciding not to spend their dollars there. I look forward with great interest to see what happens with Disneys disastrously cast and disastrously promoted “Snow White.”

2: Jason Aldean’s “Try that In A Small Town” shot to the top a month or so ago on the message of “keep your urban dystopian nightmare stuff out of my town.” *of* *course* the worst people in America decided that singing *against* robbery and mugging and racism and arson and murder was racist… which only made the song more popular.



3: Oliver Anthony. Another singer, another anthem for the working man. And another song that’s grabbing people from across the spectrum and making them shout from the rooftops that, in this case, the government is out of control. “Rich Men North of Richmond” (in case that’s unclear, what’s the major city north of Richmond, Virginia? Washington, D.C.) calls out over-taxation, the grasping for power and the detrimental effects of the welfare state. And sane people across the land love the song and are propping it up. Like HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and…


And inevitably, the enablers and fanboys of authoritarianism are outraged by the song. But rather than using their powers of cancellation, what they’re doing is Streisand Effecting the song into even greater popularity. A compilation of both regular folks and insane lefties (including a formerly sane guy with the worst beard in the world complaining about Oliver Anthony having a red beard) is here:



Of course, the pop cultural stuff is only truly useful if it leads to practical changes. After all, in the 60’s hippies gained substantial cultural power with songs about peace and love and sappy nonsense, then went on to take over and turn Americans on each other for gain in personal and tribal power and wealth. They preached happiness, then pushed for socialist policies, knowing full well what the history of socialism inevitably resulted in. So sing all the songs you like, like all the songs you want… but VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT. When a corporation actively supports insanity, criminality or cultural degradation… don’t shop there. When feasible, let them know why.

2 responses to “Signs of the pendulum swinging back?”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    Non-scientific impression.
    Yes lots of people are increasingly frustrated.
    BUT, the majority continues to slide to the left, particularly those in positions of influence and authority.

    This is most pronounced in younger people and the lefties are purging institutions of opposition.

    Conclusion, this is the last gasp.

    Qualification: They may be overplaying their hand. Lots of folks who are otherwise “leftist” leaning aren’t into the whole LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ thing. BUT they have been trained to think anything without a D after it will chain them to an oar.

  2. Marc Avatar

    The backlash is growing. The pendulum >always< swings. It's gotten to be absurd enough that the "common man" is starting to speak up, with his or her wallet, if nothing else.

    The Left is having kittens over their 50-year Plan being derailed by sane people. What a shame.