The *other* Snow White

All evidence points to the forthcoming “Snow White” live action movie from Disney being something of a train wreck. It is a remake of the 19430’s animated classic, but it’s getting rid of pretty much everything… Snow White was originally prettier than the Evil Queen, now she’s objectively “meh;” Snow White was originally a love story, now Prince Charming is wholly absent and the Snow White character seems to be devoid of any motive but personal ambition for power; Snow White had seven dwarves, now a Bennetton Ad of “magical creatures;” and originally the actress for Snow White wasn’t an insufferable doofus, now it’s Rachel Zegler. *Lots* of people have a serious problem with almost every decision Disney has made here.

But here’s the thing: “Snow White” is public domain. Anyone can make a Snow White movie.

So the conservative “Daily Wire” new outlet is doing just that. Is it going to be any good? I dunno. Honestly I’m dubious… “really high quality movies” is not something I normally associate with “politically driven media company.” And it is in a way something of a “mockbuster,” a movie made specifically to ride the coat tails of a much more expensive studio production. But it is the right way to counter Disney’s crap: do it yourself. Make an effort to show how it *should* be done.


The “Bent Key” production company seems to be going all-out on content creation:

I have hopes that this will work out. Not because I have any particular interest in Bent Key (first I heard of ’em was when I saw the Snow White trailer), but because if they succeed, *maybe* there’s a very slim chance of some stories getting told correctly. If they can get the rights, imagine a *proper* telling of, say, “Have Spacesuit Will Travel” or “Red Planet” or “Rocketship Galileo,” or – and this would be spectacular – “Tom Swift Jr.” I have no idea if they *want* to tell these classic SF yarns, but I do know that I don’t want legacy Hollywood to tackle them. Because they *would* (and have) screw them up to the point of mutilating them.

6 responses to “The *other* Snow White”

  1. RNB Avatar

    The ‘Seven Magical Creatures’ are now referred to as ‘bandits,’ i.e., revolutionary guerillas against the oppressive, fascist queen. And RZ referred to the Prince in the ’37 feature as being ‘a stalker.’

  2. Dr. Coyote Avatar
    Dr. Coyote

    While there is always a chance that this could go badly wrong, and Snow White really isn’t my taste in movies, this kind of has me interested. Thanks for posting about it. As for proper tellings of the Heinlein juveniles, oh man, what I’d pay for the entire box set of those!

    Given the financial crashes of some of the other recent woke movies, wouldn’t it be great if this Bentkey production ended up making more money than the Disney version? Now that would be a bright beam of sunshine in the news one morning.

  3. Bill Hollifield Avatar
    Bill Hollifield

    And (naturally) Disney+ feels the need to remake (and likely ruin) The Rocketeer.

  4. Herp McDerp Avatar
    Herp McDerp

    If they can get the rights, imagine a *proper* telling of, say, “Have Spacesuit Will Travel” or “Red Planet” or …

    The Heinlein novel that’s screaming to be made into a Disney movie — preferably animated — is Citizen of the Galaxy. It has every single essential element of a Disney story. (And it’s heavily based on another good novel, one by Rudyard Kipling — the elevator pitch would be “Kim in outer space!”)

    But please, dear God, no singing pet fraki

  5. Peterock Avatar

    I would love to see “Time for the stars” but even back in the 80s I had an English teacher call me out for reading it as its “Colonialist”