This video has been floating around twitter the last day or so, showing some streamers kicking around an android:
This is Not Good for several reasons:
1) While this robot is not going to gain sentience (far too simplistic for that), someday some AI likely will. And it will probably see this video, and many others showing similar scenes of humans gleefully abusing robots. Said AI will doubtless have some questions for the humans around it, questions those humans will have difficulty answering. Certainly difficulty answering in ways that are both honest *and* make humans look basically decent and not at all worthy of being exterminated.
2) It one thing to destroy Stuff, even machinery, for simple amusement. It’s quite another to take joy from the destruction of things that even just *seem* to have the *potential* for feelings. It begins to dehumanize the abuser. It seems like a step on the road to animal abuse, which is a step towards abusing humans.
Just… don’t do that.
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