Trump nearly assassinated

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It’s been a while since anyone has come close to killing a US President or former President. Has there been anyone since Hinkley/Reagan that came this close?


The rest of the campaign season is liable to be jam-packed with political violence. There has not been a serious Presidential contender as thoroughly vilified by the opposition as Trump in many years; and given that the far left was *already* bugnuts, the nonstop “Trump = Hitler” drumbeat surely is driving many right around the bend.


As they say, though… when you go after the King, don’t miss.


3 responses to “Trump nearly assassinated”

  1. Bob Avatar

    Where will it all end? When will it all end? Will it ever end? I suspect not.

  2. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    “Destiny” (Steven Kenneth Bonnell II) didn’t just find the attempt amusing–there are politicians I’d love to strangle–but mocked the firefighter who was lost.

    That’s nothing–people talk smack all the time.

    Let me tell you what worries me

    NY Post is reporting that the counter-sniper team was under the very same roof the gunman was atop of.

    Red State/MilkBar TV has it that the would-be assassin was spotted a full 30 minutes before the attempt.

    Black Rock pulled an ad that featured the youngling.

    I submit the following for your consideration:

    “We’ve got our patsy—awkward, geeky kid…I told him Trump was the Anti-Christ, and that a head shot that should kill won’t….and here is his chance to be a hero. He’s Republican, but I urged him to make a nothing contribution to a lefty cause to “throw off” suspicion–heh.”

    “Okay–let him squeeze off a few rounds, then you take his head off. No arrests, no investigations–all neat. Oswald & Ruby in one little package….oops…he’s been spotted by some yokels….send PR over to them—say he’s one of ours….

    –which he is”