We got dumber

‘Nation’s Report Card’ says math and reading scores plummeted during the pandemic, showing Covid’s devastating toll on students

Covid should not get all the blame. There is blame enough to share with the politicians and bureaucrats.

And on the subject of getting dumber:

Dallas shooter was attending birth at hospital

A guy shot and murdered two nurses. That’s bad enough, but where this goes from a news story about “crazy” and “crime” to one about “stupidity” is this:


Nestor Hernandez was granted leave to be with his “significant other” at Methodist Dallas Medical Center during her delivery Saturday, according to Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman Amanda Hernandez. She said he’d been sentenced to prison for aggravated robbery and was released on parole last October, but did not provide additional details on the circumstances of the shooting.


According to THIS STORY, in 2015 he assaulted, injured and robbed a woman, leading to a meager 8-year sentence. that means he should still be in prison, not to be released until 2023 sometime. But someone thought this absolute *winner* should be allowed out and about, and he was released on parole in October (presumably 2021, since it says “last” October). Had he still been in prison, not only would these two nurses still be alive, but there would have been no birth to attend to. Now the state will be saddled with this guys offspring, with every likelihood that the kid will end up just as bad.

Hey, here’s a thought: keep criminals locked up. Especially violent ones And more especially the ones with tattoos that proudly proclaim “I will never be a benefit to society.”