Well, here’s some good news…

Leader says Belarus now has Russian nuclear weapons, wouldn’t hesitate to use them

A whackaloon second-rate dictator with access to nukes? What could possibly go wrong?

4 responses to “Well, here’s some good news…”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    Ukraine is somehow a vital strategic interest, they said……

    Totally worth the risk, they said…..

    No risk of a nuclear exchange. (Eye roll)

    Tell me again why NATO even still exists, much less why we have any interest in what happens in Europe?

    Concentrate on why you think Ukraine or Lithuania is worth getting my kids killed in a nuclear war?

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      Why does NATO still exist? because the UN sucks, and the world should have an alliance of western democracies.

    2. warhorse Avatar

      ukraine is a vital strategic interest. because if we are not men of our word, suddenly everything becomes a test.

      “hmm..america (and russia, and france and england) promised to protect ukraine if it was attacked. and they didn’t do that. how much are all the other promises those countries gave worth? fertilizer. roll the tanks. they’re not coming.”

      and we go from “don’t do that, the americans will come and stop you” to “do whatever you want, the americans won’t stop us” overnight. and everything goes to hell damn quick.

      to quote the Dread Pirate Roberts “once word gets out a pirate has gone soft, people start to disobey you and then it’s work work work all the time…”

      to NOT defend ukraine is to invite a wider world war. every strongman with a beef against his neighbor has a free pass.

      russia has nukes. so what? the people who decide to use those are very interested in their personal fortunes and safety. their scams die the moment they launch. they die the moment they launch.

      they know our nukes land in their lap and we’re REALLY accurate. not strategic targets….their own personal residences, bunkers, their girlfriend’s house….personal targets. they have zero capability to do this in return.

      no one ever accused them of being all that bright, but no one ever accused them of being suicidal either.

      of course that all relies on russian nukes even working. it’s very likely they are mostly inoperable. there is maintenance that must be done to keep those warheads functioning, and the budget for that has been slashed. they’ve even been sending the guys who do the maintenance to the front.

  2. Ed Bailey Avatar
    Ed Bailey

    Putin giving Lukashenko nukes is like Jim Henson giving them to Kermit the Frog.