What the US gets from the Russia-Ukraine war

A lot of people think that the US is simply throwing money away. These people are wrong.


The majority of the weapons that the US is giving to the Ukrainians are old stock, stuff that would have gone to the incinerator or the scrap heap pretty soon anyway. If you expend a million-dollar weapon that you were otherwise going to simply throw away, you haven’t lost money. But if you expend that weapon for a practical purpose, you not only affect the course of the conflict, you also *learn* things.

3 responses to “What the US gets from the Russia-Ukraine war”

  1. Kelly Starks Avatar
    Kelly Starks

    Were dumbing obsolete weapons and ammunition due to be scraped, and some newer stuff, to burn down the last vestige of the soviet military and undercut a dangerous dictotors power … and helping a people not being concurred and abused by a state that once practiced genocide on them in a scale that would make Hitler gasp..

    I’m good with this.

  2. warhorse Avatar

    another thing we learn is the real shelf-life of these weapons is a lot longer than we estimated…saving us replacement costs in the future. instead of a 25 year shelf life, we can go to 30 or 35 years.

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      That’s not necessarily a good thing. Assuming that you can keep stuff on shelves and not replace it for *generations* means that the people who designed and built he stuff are *dead* when you finally get around to deciding you need new, better stuff.