Whoops, there goes the narrative…

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Alleged Club Q Shooter Is Non-Binary, Defense Lawyers Claim


Insert “Sad Trombone” sound effect HERE.





Possibility exists that this is merely a tactic to get out of “hate crimes” charges. But how do you *prove* that? Doing so would seem to establish a precedent for testability of such things. If “a woman is anyone who claims to be a woman,” then “a non-binary is anyone who claims to be a non-binary,” and the one is as un-arguable as the other.



One response to “Whoops, there goes the narrative…”

  1. Jeff Wright Avatar
    Jeff Wright

    Almost certainly an evasion…say your mean old Dad put you up to this…and hope liberals buy it.

    But folks remember Dan White’s Twinky defense. There the prosecution wanted law-and-order conservatives-but the defense ALSO went (social) conservative, wanting jurors who also did not like Harvey Milk.

    That won’t happen again.

    Conservatives jumped on his non-binary claim too quickly-and could look foolish if prior texts against gays are revealed….assuming they weren’t manufactured, of course,

    Best to praise the gunman’s subduer-former military…perhaps a delivery driver…a new Rittenhouse.
    Or he could say:
    “Drat! Broke my good heels on the stomp out!”