Buttons update


Good news: no cancer for Buttons. Bad news: he’s old, his colon is starting to malfunction. Things back up & turn rock hard (& apparently look like tumors on X-rays) due to some nerve problem or other. This requires a change in diet, which is a problem since his diet is special & keeps him from other problems (crystals in his urine).

After a system flush and several days of stool softener and wet food, he is very clearly feeling far better; he’s a happier cat and almost aggressively affectionate. But he’s still in quarantine… not because he’s infectious, but because I need to make sure he eats his food and not the other cats (and they eat their own and not his) and that he poops as he should. This separation is offensive to *all* of the cats. Not, I think, because they have a burning desire to share each others company; they’re just outraged at being blocked from going wherever they want.

Going to move the Men In Black raygun to ebay.


3 responses to “Buttons update”

  1. Petrock Avatar


    Poor Kitty.

    Best wishes

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      In most cases I’d agree with you. But this is Buttons: he is at all times friendly. Only when he is in distress is he anything but enthusiastic about affection. This is a happy kitty right here.

  2. Herp McDerp Avatar
    Herp McDerp

    Yay, Buttons! Good to know that his ailment is treatable.

    Crystals in the urine aren’t wonderful, either. We almost lost one guy (and received warnings on a couple others). The most affected guy has been on a strict c/d diet for years; he’s isolated because the other cats would rather eat his food than their own. The others get IAMS Urinary health kibble.