The Unwanted Blog (2)
Rockets, cats, aircraft, guns, politics, photography, science fiction. You know, the usual stuff
The funniest Italian-Iranian pro-life right wing comedian you’ll probably see today:
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Three main options: 1) Ukrainian quadcopter flew hundreds of miles. 2) Russians PO’ed about their crappy government and their stupid war 3) The […]
In 2017 a guy stole a pickup truck (pretty sure it’s a Ford, but I’m no trucknologist) and led Oklahoma police on a […]
The Ještěd Hotel in Czech Republic was built in the late 1960’s and looks exactly like the sort of thing that the James […]
Adam Savage has a bunch of old (decades) silicone molds sitting doing nothing. Silicone, sadly, degrades not just from use, but over time; […]
I woulda bought the hell out of a *lot* of these kits… had they been made.
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this, but I never fail to be impressed with the delivery. Steven Spielberg, director of […]
110 years in prison for selling flat pieces of metal.
Launch window opens tomorrow (suspiciously, 4/20) at 8:28 AM central time, lasts for about an hour.
CAD Diagrams cyanotype blueprints cyanotypes Models science fiction Worldwreckers