Oh, no reason…

UPDATE:well, this is annoying… the blog mangles the usual Amazon visual links. Grrr.



Some items on Amazon that one might wish to procure.

This one I can confirm works. Mine goes bonkers from time to time in antique shops.


GQ GMC-300S Digital Nuclear Radiation Detector Monitor Meter Geiger Counter Radiation Dosimeter


And this. Cannot confirm it works as directed. Hope to not have to find out.


IOSAT Potassium Iodide 14 Tablets


Why? Well, why not.

6 responses to “Oh, no reason…”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    Sad links

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      Now with slightly less sad links. Dunno what the issue is.

  2. Petrock Avatar

    Unflavored? Really?

    1. scottlowther Avatar

      When they could have had Polonium Ripple or Strontiumberry.

  3. ChasBeau Avatar

    Might also be handy to have source information on where one might obtain the appropriate dose of personal-use cyanide capsules, in the event of “need “

    1. Scott Lowther Avatar
      Scott Lowther

      Five ounces aught about do it.