There’s probably a lesson here

Maybe something like “you get what you repeatedly vote for.” In this case, Chicago repeatedly votes for the worst possible mayors (and, sadly for the rest of the state, the worst possible Governors). And Chicago suffers for it. Will they ever vote for “the other side?” I doubt it. Not until the city collapses utterly, the population drops by 90% and the survivors are replaced.

In First Month in Office Crime Jumps 38% Under New Chicago Mayor Johnson

Refuse to learn at your own peril.

One response to “There’s probably a lesson here”

  1. Petrock Avatar

    I have people like this is my family.
    They vote for increasingly radical candidates, hoping for “change” but won’t cross the aisle as the “fascists” want to bring back slavery and establish a theocracy. This isn’t hyperbole, they actually expect “The Handmaid’s Tale” to come true if they lose one election.